Here’s a three-pointer to open your mind.
The mission of “Three Point Thursday” & about the author here
The suggestions in this article may seem obvious; that’s because they are. But you can’t beat the basics.
And you definitely can’t neglect them. We are all human beings.
Don’t forget just how powerful these things actually are.
Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle.
—Stephen Curry
60% of you is water. You probably don’t drink enough of it.
If you drink coffee, alcohol, and soda more often than water, well, no wonder you tend to be tired or in a bad mood.
Most of the times when you feel awful, there’s a high probability being dehydrated is a factor.
If not the main factor.
The best way to avoid dehydration is to drink water before you're thirsty. If you feel thirst, you’re already a little bit dehydrated.
Drink more water than you even think is necessary. Often you may not even realize how much better you’d be performing at a given task if you weren’t slightly dehydrated.
Having enough water in you helps avoid fatigue, headaches, and dizziness.

Drinking water is never not a good idea.
Exhausted physically? Drink some water.
Headache? Drink some water.
Sick? Drink some water.
Hungover? Drink some water.
Too stoned? Drink some water.
Agua mi amigo.
Cold Showers
Cold water immersion has been proven to produce health benefits. I’ve made taking them every morning a habit. They make me feel much better.
Research in brain science provides some explanations why.
By deliberately immersing yourself in cold water in the morning, you cause a significant release of a neurotransmitter called epinephrine (a.k.a. adrenaline).
This chemical causes you to feel alert. Wide awake. Ready to tackle the day.
Cold exposure also triggers an extended release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. This can lead to you being in a better overall mood. It also plays a role in strengthening you’re ability to stay focused and motivated on any given task (choose what tasks wisely).
Further, a 2008 study suggests that cold showers may serve as an effective way to fight depression.
The researchers (linked) state:
“Due to the high density of cold receptors in the skin, a cold shower is expected to send an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could result in an anti-depressive effect.”
Further, there are more studies showing that cold showers strengthen your immune system and thus your overall health.
The moment your mind is telling you that it’s too cold and you should just take a hot shower, is the moment you need to get in.
Doing this builds mental resilience. Because it’s extremely uncomfortable at first.
But you do it anyway.
And you don’t have to go crazy. Even just 30 seconds - 1 minute of cold water immersion has done wonders in my experience.
Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
There’s an idea that all the great ideas human beings have ever had came to them while walking outside.
It makes sense.
How are you going to have good ideas if you’re sitting inside all day injecting stimulation into your skull 24/7?
Yes, we learn from our devices all the time, but the mind needs a reset every once in a while.
It needs to be nourished by nature.
It needs to marvel at some trees, wonder what some animals are thinking, and have the inevitable thought that Earth is a miracle that no one has ever figured out.
Give your mind a break from the screens. Free it.
Go for a walk outside without any technology.
You won’t believe how much better something so simple can make you feel.
Generation upon generation of our ancestors were outside walking every moment of their lives. Their DNA is still ingrained in us. That’s just one reason why it feels so good to be in nature—it’s where we evolved.
Often I’ll be on a long walk and think of a funny story from someone I love and start dying laughing, all by myself. Such a good feeling.
It seems like there’s a whole generation of phone addicts sitting inside all day… playing video games… doom-scrolling Tik Tok… checking every single group chat text…slowly going insane…
They go for a fucking walk.
Going outside can help you:
Think Clearly
Develop a vision of your future
Feel Gratitude for Being Alive
Without Music, Life would be a mistake.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
Many of the Euphoric moments in my life?
Thanks to music.
There’s nothing better.
The idea from Nietzsche that life would be a mistake without music is extreme sounding.
But I think it’s true.
Imagine how dull existence would be without music. It’s not a world I’d want to be a part of.
At parties throughout high school and college, my friends have always asked me to play tunes. No one wants the responsibility. People see it as a chore.
But for me, I always happily take control of the speaker.
It’s always cool to see how much you can change or uplift the vibe in a room based on what you play. And I have many different playlists depending on what the scene is.
Getting the chills from music—when the hair on your arms stands up and you feel a shiver in your body—feels like God is right next to you.
It’s funny how sound vibrations and the melodic use of language can do such a thing.
The first songs I remember enjoying as a child were both classics that my dad would play: “American Pie” by Don Mclean and “Come on Eileen” by Dexys Midnight Runners.
But the first time I heard “Give me the beat boys, and free my soul…” in “Drift Away” by Dobie Gray…
That was special.
I laugh picturing 10 year old me on the way to a church league basketball game listening to:
Cause sometimes you just feel tired (yo, left, yo, left)
You feel weak (yo left, right, left)
And when you feel weak (yo, left)
You feel like you wanna just give up (yo, left)
But you gotta search within you (yo left, right, left)
You gotta find that inner strength (yo, left) (yo, left)
Or blasting this on the way to 5 A.M. shooting machine workout:
Like we always do at this time, Cole blowin' your mind
Hey dummy, this no accident, all of this was designed
Took my time, crept from behind
And I opened up your blinds, rise and shine
Music is magic.
The way it can bring people together is sort of mysterious.
There could be groups of people who disagree on everything imaginable, but they could all be at the same concert for an artist they love. Rocking to the same songs.
Music is the universal language.