The Simplest Explanation For Why Capitalism Is Superior To Communism
And it's not just a summary of Animal Farm
The simplest explanation for why capitalism is a superior system to communism, apart from the abundance of examples from history, is really four sentences. And it starts with the first two undeniable biological lessons of history, as said by Will Durant—the first is that life is competition. The second is that life is selection.
Then, if we read the Communist Manifesto, we see Marx write that the “theory of the communists can be summed up in one sentence: abolition of private property.” This is inconsistent with the first two lessons of history. This is anti-biological.
Meanwhile, Adam Smith, considered the father of modern capitalism, famously wrote that “it is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” This line—in a way the essence of capitalism—is consistent with the first two fundamental biological lessons of history.
Enjoy your day.