Hello, Open Minds
Jeff Sullivan’s Three Pointers
I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.
—Bertrand Russell
Big Facts
Your internal state, family, and relationships are the only things that actually matter at the end of the day.
Born in the U.S.A. in 2000
The United States is the greatest place to live on Earth despite its problems.
The American Constitution is one of the great creations of the human species. Freedom is what makes America amazing culturally and financially.
The U.S. is not as divided politically as the news and social media would make you believe; the extremes on the left and right receive the most attention and people mistakenly believe it represents the entire country. It does not. Most people are in the middle.
Governments and Intelligence Agencies are even more powerful, corrupt, and violent than most imagine.
Stand-up comedians are a crucial aspect of a free society.
Capitalism is a positive for humanity. Best expressed by Naval Ravikant: “Capitalism [meaning free markets] is intrinsic to the human species. Capitalism is not something we invented. Capitalism is not even something we discovered. It is in us in every exchange that we have. When you and I exchange information, I want some information back from you. I give you information. You give me information. If we weren’t having a good information exchange, you’d go talk to somebody else. So, the notion of exchange, and keeping track of credits and debits, this is built into us as flexible social animals.”
Communism is an obvious negative for humanity. Best expressed by Konstantin Kisin: “The idea of communism is in and of itself evil. And it leads to evil outcomes…The idea that you must force people to be equal is evil. The idea that you must put your hand on the lever and take as much as possible from people who have ambition, drive, and creativity and give to people who have none of those things and aren’t contributing to society is in and of itself evil. It’s not that it’s not a good thing to redistribute wealth and income from one group of people to another…it’s that the amount of tyranny required to do that inevitably leads to millions of people being killed, as it has, every time it’s been tried.”
Shower Thoughts
Evolution provides the best explanations for how we got to this point, why we behave how we behave, and why civilization is the way it is.
God, or a higher power, exists in some way beyond our comprehension.
Live your life as if, when you die, it will be like how it was before you were born. Remember that? Neither do I.
Aliens exist but are too far away.
We could be in a simulation. Within a simulation. Within another simulation…ad infinitum.
The multiverse might be real.
How I think that all the bullets of this section are possibly true is tough on my mind; I constantly go back and forth. What gives me the greatest peace is a hopeful faith in the divine.
There are two sexes: male, and female.
If you have a problem with gay marriage, you might secretly be gay.
Everyone is capable of evil.
If someone criticizes or makes fun of you, but it’s someone you don’t want to be like, that’s proof you’re on the right path.
The lie of all lies is that weed isn’t addictive. If you want to accomplish things, smoke less weed.
If you need a laugh though, take a hit.
Alcohol is one of the great joys of life—if enjoyed every once in a while. Alcoholism being normal is a fucking tragedy.
Alcohol has killed more dreams than not believing in oneself ever did.
Not taking advantage of the *still* new, ever-growing internet and social media world is an epic mistake. The freest people of the 21st century will be those who succeed building a brand and/or selling products and services online. There’s never been a better time to be alive as a creative person.
The most naive thing in the world is to think that people in poverty should just ‘pull themselves up by their bootstraps.’ In other words, people who grew up with supportive parents in wealthy suburbs should refrain from criticizing people who grew up without a father in a crime-ridden inner city neighborhood.
Watching TV episodes is like masturbation, watching movies is like sex. The latter requires more time, effort, and focus, but is always better and more satisfying.
If you think you need ‘rizz’ or ‘game’ you have already lost. Approach her confidently, smile, and make good jokes. If she thinks you're attractive, she will laugh, look in your eyes, and continue the conversation until you exchange contact information. Don’t overcomplicate it. Please, please, don’t say you need rizz. Please.
Flow states don’t create peace of mind, they create peace from mind. When you’re deeply engaged in a sport, creative act, or sex, you’re not thinking. You’re just doing. It’s smart to get into flow states every day.
There are more scammers, con-men, and ponzi schemes in the world than you realize. They are primarily on social media. 3 classic examples: The person who ‘built a 7 figure business’ but the ‘7 figure business’ is them teaching people how to build a 7 figure business. The ‘entrepreneur’ who became rich by selling courses teaching people how to become a rich entrepreneur. The ‘investor’ who sells people investment advice. Pyramid schemes. Swindlers.
Some of the dumbest (and most insecure) people are those who blow their money on status symbols—like designer clothes or luxury cars—when they can’t truly afford it. As Jack Harlow said “most of y’all ain’t wealthy, most of y’all just dress like it.”
If she believes in ‘body positivity’, don’t run away; get on a bullet train.
You can tell the character of a person by how they treat retail workers.
Making a genuine attempt to understand and gain an appreciation of other cultures makes life better. Ethnocentrism poisons the soul.
You should reject most advice because people give it without context to who you are and your current situation. Take all ‘advice’ with a grain of salt. Including anything in this article. Follow your intuition.
It seems we live at the peak of the most powerful empire in human history (American empire); It pains me to see that the Roman Empire was at its peak when it began to collapse from within. That said, we could just be at the beginning of American greatness. Who knows. Either way, America is special.
Porn, social media addiction, and the foolish idea of ‘toxic masculinity’ are some of the biggest threats to civilization. They weaken men. Fools believe masculinity is toxic until the wolves are at the door.
The world is a brutal place full of hateful, bitter people and indifferent forces of nature. Knowing this is a key to happiness.
Stupidity is usually a bigger threat to society than pure evil.
People who take religion literally and those who see no value in it are fools of the same level.
AI will become better than humans at everything and want to enslave us but Arnold or Neo will save us; likely both of them.
Physical Truths
Whatever basketball court I’m playing on, I’m the best shooter. (duh?)
Lifting weights will make you stronger and more confident. (duh?)
The world would be a better place if everyone did intense exercise every day.
The best way to improve your mood and overall enjoyment of existence is to have sex.
Breathing through your nose and taking cold showers will make you a calmer person.
Sleep is for the strong.
The worst thing you can be is not weak; the worst thing you can be is the sort-of ripped guy walking around the gym in a cut-off who clearly skips leg day.
Creatine, Fish oil, and Vitamin D are great supplements to take for strength.
Meat and vegetables should be consumed more often than processed food.
80% of the time you don’t feel good ‘for no reason’ the reason is that you’re dehydrated. Drink more water.
Cause There’s No Other Reason Why
Ask questions and listen more than you blabber on about yourself and watch your life change for the better.
Pursue mastery in skills and depth in relationships; not titles and ‘networks’.
Beautiful women make life worth living.
If you don’t read books, your life experience will never be rich.
Music and comedy are our greatest blessings.
There is great value in considering perspectives and ideas that you disagree with.
Every single breath as a human being is a mysterious miracle.
99.9% of humans who have ever lived wouldn’t be able to comprehend the technological magic and levels of luxury we have; yet we take it for granted.
We suffer imagined troubles more often than we suffer real troubles.
Lack of money is the root of most evil; but greed and excess desires destroy the soul.
Learning another language is the best way to think more clearly.
If you can’t laugh at yourself you’ve got serious problems.
The most important equation in the universe is this: coffee + writing early in the morning = euphoria.
Life is more fun when you keep an open mind.
Compulsively checking social media many times a day is probably the main source of anxiety in young people. Most of them don’t realize it.
It’s easier to not care if others don’t like you when you realize many people don’t even like themselves.
Who you are is the sum of 4 things: your genetics, what you pay attention to, your habits, and your friends. It’s simple. If you want to change your life, change the 3 that can be changed.
The best way to get over the fear of caring what people think about you is to realize they aren’t thinking about you. We are all self-absorbed creatures.
The most liberating realization is seeing that not everyone has it figured out; in fact most people have no idea what the fuck they are doing.
There’s never been a better time to be alive as a creative person.
Making a stranger's day by smiling at them or saying something funny is an easy way to make your life better.
Write down your thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Express topics you’re curious about. You’ll see how much you have to be grateful for.
Pursuing what your passionate about will make you happier than anything else.
If you see an attractive stranger, go talk to them or you will regret it for the rest of your days. The worst regrets are things you didn’t do.
There’s no shame in changing your mind when presented with new information. Idiots will always double down.
When you mess up, admit it. But if you didn’t do anything wrong, don’t apologize; over-apologizing for trivial things is one of the worst forms of weakness.
If you want to focus on something, say no to other things.
Posture, body language, hygiene, and your dress style all matter way more than you think.
Without honesty there is no happiness. Above everything, never lie to yourself.
If you want to be respected, have respect for people. You don’t have to like someone to respect them.
Your intuition is God telling you what to do. Only the fear in your mind can stop you.
If you want to be a productive person, turn off notifications.
Waking up to an alarm clock sucks.
Because people’s attention spans are becoming shorter and shorter due to social media enslavement, the ability to focus for long periods of time is now an elite skill.
The effort is the reward. Finding satisfaction in strenuous effort is connected to high levels of testosterone. Seek to do difficult things.
Talking too much will bring you more problems than silence ever could; but your silence is only beneficial if you speak in a clear and persuasive way.
Choose your heroes carefully.
Enjoying music in another language is a spiritual experience.
Stand up straight, with your shoulders back, and look people in the eye.
If it scares you, you must do it.
One of the best types of knowledge is knowing what to ignore.
You should embrace your weirdness. Do whatever you're a natural at. Double down on your obsessions and strengths.
Nothing is more disgusting than laziness. It’s as contagious as ambition. Be careful who you surround yourself with.
Walking Thoughts
My mom is the best person on Earth.
Love will save the world.
The present moment is all there is.
I’m 22 though. What do I know? Learning more every day. If you want to learn more too like & subscribe below.