Nice blog, love that you think critically about the ‘cutting toxic people out of my life’ “trend” and will definitely use your question as mental model :)
Love it man. Something school never teaches is that 'just cause friendships aren't even really friendships at all and that real friendships take work and effort and lots of not settling to find! I'm so glad that our cheese and crackers are extra tasty and satiating :)
love this – we need others so badly!
also agree with the commentary on this culture of cutting people off and "toxic" relationships.
Thank you for reading, Alivia!
One of the many self-examinations that arrive when entering adulthood I think most young men and women fail to give thinking time to. Loved it Jeff.
I appreciate you reading, Kevin!
Nice blog, love that you think critically about the ‘cutting toxic people out of my life’ “trend” and will definitely use your question as mental model :)
Thank you for reading.
Love it man. Something school never teaches is that 'just cause friendships aren't even really friendships at all and that real friendships take work and effort and lots of not settling to find! I'm so glad that our cheese and crackers are extra tasty and satiating :)
Intellectual cheese and crackers
More like steak and eggs thooo
Hahaha I like the sound of that better